Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Don't People Enter Comments

This is what every blogger like me must be thinking, revisiting his/her work of art every now and then. Being completely convinced by oneself that you have given in their best part in this post (this time at least), it is kind of disappointing to see the "0 comments" shown below your work.

But seriously, before you get depressed, think about how many sites you visit every time you are online? How many blogs you visit while online? And the most important question! How many times do you leave a comment for a blog you just read or a video you just watched?What does it take to get that thing, those thoughts from the readers mind through his keyboard, right onto the comments section?

Readers visit millions of web pages and if your content is clear and interesting such that it is able to grab the reader’s interest till the last word in it, you are sure to get a comment. Most readers lose interest in reading the stuff you have written simply because:
1. They didn’t get what they expected out of it.
2. They don’t connect to your thoughts
3. The content is interesting at the beginning but losses its purpose midway.

Also, to a great extent it depends upon the person. If he / she is indolent, couch potato, don’t keep hopes! He would just surf through the sites without dropping a word for you. Be brave to face this, most people are like that. If everyone could voice their thoughts, the world would be a different place to live in!!

Ideally, even if the reader doesn’t connect to your thoughts, he/she must leave you a comment stating their view, right? Since comments are not necessarily positive. You may receive, "Well-done, nice post!" someday or just a "Moron!!" as comment.But for this to happen your and blog and the reader must have a total 180 degree of thought separation. You enrage him so much by your post that come what may, that fellow will make a come back to you, definitely not in a cool way.

Despite of all the aforesaid and followed, there is still a chance that you don’t receive a comment :-). Well, the reasons could be inevitable. Your blog could have been superb, but just while he was about to type in his comment, girlfriend called, or the power failed. Poor you!So the moral is, "Don’t think about the things that are beyond your control!!
"Keep Blogging!!
(PS:I have recently started blogging and I think I am expecting too much. Its true. Rome was not built in a day!)


  1. hey i'm leaving a comment.. haha.. got to agree with you.. i'm just starting my blog as well, just a newbie, so i really don't expect a lot of comments.. but it would really be nice to have them..

  2. Thanks iNa!!
    its really nice to have them for sure.

  3. Hi I agree with what you is disheartening to see no comments, on the other hand I wonder if the "mega blogs" with thousands of followers read all of their comments...the thrill must get lost somewhere along the line aye?

  4. Hi, You are putting the seed in soil and expecting it to grow into full big tree the very next day.
    Have patience my friend ;-)

  5. yes buddies...I get 20-30 visitors a day...some give only increase visitor and page count !!!
